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Odisha’s Bhagabat Tungis to Receive Financial Boost: CM Announces Rs. 50,000 Assistance

Bhubaneswar: Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik of Odisha has unveiled a significant financial assistance initiative for Bhagabat Tungis across the state. Announcing a monetary aid of Rs 50,000 for each Bhagabat Tungi, the Chief Minister aims to accelerate the functions of these spiritual, cultural, and social centers that play a crucial role in the rural fabric.

Bhagabat Tungi serves as a unifying force within the villages, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural identity of the Odia community. The Chief Minister’s decision to provide financial assistance underscores the importance of preserving and promoting these centers as a means to strengthen the cultural identity of Odias.

The state currently boasts 7,200 Bhagbat Tungis, and the allocated funds will contribute to their development and enhancement. The Department of Odia Language Literature & Culture will oversee the utilization of the sanctioned Rs 50,000 for each Bhagbat Tungi.

Expressing his commitment to the cultural heritage of the state, Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik emphasized the role of Bhagabat Tungis in fostering unity and cultural richness in rural life. The financial boost aims to rejuvenate these centers, ensuring they continue to serve as pillars of cultural identity, spirituality, and social cohesion.

The initiative aligns with the state’s dedication to preserving and promoting its rich cultural heritage, recognizing the Bhagabat Tungis as integral elements that contribute to the vibrant tapestry of Odia identity. As these spiritual hubs receive a financial injection, the community anticipates renewed vigor and vibrancy in their cultural expression.

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