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Union Minister Launches Realigned AHIDF Scheme to Boost Livestock Infrastructure

New Delhi: Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying, Shri Parshottam Rupala, unveiled the realigned Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) Scheme and released a Radio Jingle on AHIDF in New Delhi today. During his address, Shri Rupala highlighted the scheme’s significant role, particularly its realignment during the challenging COVID period, aiming to benefit the livestock industry for an additional three years.

The Cabinet, in its meeting on 1st February 2024, approved the realignment of AHIDF under the Infrastructure Development Fund, allocating a substantial outlay of ₹29,610 crore. This marked a substantial increase from the earlier ₹15,000 crore. The extended scheme will be implemented from 31st March 2023 until 2025-26. Under this realigned framework, the Dairy Infrastructure Development Fund has been subsumed.

Dairy cooperatives will now enjoy enhanced benefits, including an interest subvention of 3% under AHIDF, up from the previous 2.5% in DIDF. Additionally, they will receive Credit Guarantee support through the Credit Guarantee Fund of AHIDF, aiming to assist dairy cooperatives in upgrading their processing infrastructure with advanced technology. This initiative is expected to significantly benefit a large number of milk producers across the country.

The inaugural event witnessed the presence of industry associations, the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB), dairy cooperatives, Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), and officials from the North Eastern States. During the interaction, various entities expressed their support for the scheme. ABIS Export Private Limited committed to investing ₹2,000 crore in livestock infrastructure, while Dishala Livelihood Producer Company Limited shared their successful dairy processing and value addition project in Sehore, Madhya Pradesh. Amba Feed also informed about setting up an Animal Feed plant in Coimbatore under AHIDF.

Under the realigned scheme, beneficiaries, including individuals, FPOs, dairy cooperatives, private companies, Section 8 companies, and MSMEs, can avail the following benefits:

Interest Subvention of 3% payable up to 8 years
Credit guarantee cover up to 25% of the term loan
No ceiling on the loan amount
Loan up to 90% of the estimated/actual project cost
Dovetailing with capital subsidy schemes of other ministries or state-level schemes
Ease of application process through the online portal
The AHIDF scheme, launched on 24th June 2020 under the Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan Initiative, has received overwhelming response and has generated substantial investments in various sectors of livestock infrastructure. A dedicated portal,, has been developed for transparent implementation and hassle-free processing of scheme-related requests. The scheme has significantly contributed to creating employment opportunities and benefiting both industries and small/marginal farmers.

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