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India Inaugurates Climate and Health Solutions Conclave in Collaboration with Asian Development Bank

New Delhi: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB), inaugurated the Climate and Health Solutions (CHS) India Conclave in Delhi, aiming to address the dual challenges of climate change and public health. This two-day conclave brings together policymakers, experts, and stakeholders to develop actionable strategies for integrating climate resilience into India’s health sector.

In his keynote address, Apurva Chandra, Secretary, MoHFW, emphasized the urgency of factoring climate considerations into health planning. “The Climate and Health Solutions India Conclave is a testament to our commitment to building a climate-resilient health system that addresses the unique needs of developing nations like ours,” said Chandra, underscoring India’s leadership in integrating climate policies and emergency response mechanisms within the health sector. He praised the collaborative efforts between India and ADB, envisioning a future guided by the principle of “One Health, One Family, One Future.”

Punya Salila Srivastava, Officer on Special Duty (OSD) at the Ministry of Health, highlighted India’s proactive steps in embedding climate change considerations into public health policies. She cited the introduction of the National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (NPCCHH) under the National Health Mission, and the development of State Action Plans based on the National Action Plan on Climate Change and Health. She emphasized the next goal is for each district in India to assess its climate vulnerability and tailor its health response.

In the Presidential Address, Amitabh Kant, G20 Sherpa, stressed India’s pivotal role in driving development solutions at the intersection of climate change and health. “India’s leadership through the G20 Presidency has been instrumental in bringing this issue to the global forefront,” said Kant. He called for integrated and sustainable solutions to tackle the growing burden on healthcare systems, which are increasingly impacted by climate change.

Leena Nandan, Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, discussed India’s progress on sustainable development and climate commitments, noting the critical need for macro-planning and cross-sectoral collaboration to build climate-resilient health systems. She stressed that “health system readiness is key to adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change.”

Representing ADB, Ayako Inagaki, Senior Director of the Human and Social Development Sector, echoed the need for global collaboration, stating, “India’s vast landscapes make it a key battleground for addressing climate-induced health risks. The CHS India Conclave is a significant step toward uniting policymakers and stakeholders in building climate-resilient health systems.”

The conclave features participation from various government agencies, including the Ministry of Environment, Forests, and Climate Change (MoEFCC), National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC), Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), and National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). Representatives from state governments, private sector institutions, and development partners will engage in strategic discussions across eight roundtable topics, such as urban heat mapping, vector-borne diseases, clean air, mental health, nutrition, and climate-resilient health infrastructure.

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