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ESIC Provisional Payroll Data for April 2024 Shows Significant Growth in Employment and Social Security Coverage

New Delhi: The provisional payroll data from the Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) for April 2024 reveals a substantial increase in employment and social security coverage. A total of 16.47 lakh new employees were added to the ESIC scheme during the month, reflecting a positive trend in job creation and social security inclusion.

Additionally, 18,490 new establishments were brought under the ESI Scheme in April 2024, ensuring that more workers are covered by social security benefits. This expansion highlights the ongoing efforts to provide comprehensive social security to a larger workforce across the country.

The data also indicates a significant increase in job opportunities for the youth. Of the 16.47 lakh new employees, 7.84 lakh (approximately 47.60%) are under the age of 25. This surge suggests a robust job market for younger individuals, contributing to the nation’s economic growth and stability.

Gender-wise analysis of the payroll data shows that the net enrolment of female members reached 3.38 lakh in April 2024. Furthermore, 53 transgender employees were registered under the ESI Scheme during the same period, demonstrating ESIC’s commitment to inclusivity and delivering benefits to all sections of society.

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