Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw Reviews Ongoing Projects in Odisha, Emphasizes Infrastructure Development

Bhubaneswar: Minister of Railways Ashwini Vaishnaw conducted a detailed review of ongoing railway projects, focusing particularly on the East Coast Railway (ECoR) jurisdiction. The review meeting, held to assess progress and address challenges, underscored the critical importance of infrastructure development in the region.

During the meeting, Vaishnaw emphasized the need to identify and resolve issues hindering project timelines. Key projects discussed included the Khurda Road-Balangir Rail Line, where tunnel construction efforts will be accelerated from both ends to expedite completion. Additionally, measures are being taken to connect National Highways along the route with a major tunnel spanning approximately seven kilometers.

Efforts in the Talcher-Bimalagarh New Line were also highlighted, with simultaneous construction initiatives launched from both Talcher and Bimalagarh sides to fast-track progress.

Highlighting the collaborative approach, the Railway Ministry will soon convene a meeting with the office of the Hon’ble Chief Minister of Odisha to address project-related challenges and expedite their completion.

Special attention was also given to the redevelopment of Amrit Stations, with upcoming reviews planned to ensure timely completion of construction activities.

The Minister noted that the Prime Minister has allocated ₹10,536 crores for railway infrastructure development in Odisha, marking a historic budgetary provision aimed at comprehensive state-wide connectivity. Over the past decade, Odisha has witnessed the construction of 1,826 track kilometers, surpassing the total rail network of Sri Lanka.

Setting ambitious targets, the ECoR has been tasked with constructing 500 kilometers of rail lines in the current fiscal year, building upon the achievement of 450 kilometers in the previous year. The expansion of rail infrastructure is crucial for enhancing economic growth and connectivity across the region.

The review meeting was attended by ECoR General Manager Parmeshwar Funkwal, along with Principal Heads of Departments, senior officials from ECoR Headquarters, Divisional Railway Manager of Khurda Road H S Bajwa, and branch officers from the Khurda Road Division.

East Coast Railway
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