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State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) Charts Path for Urban Transformation in Odisha

Bhubaneswar: In a decisive move, the 23rd Governing Body meeting of the State Urban Development Agency (SUDA) convened today, led by Usha Devi, Minister of Housing & Urban Development. The session witnessed crucial decisions, including the approval of a budget totaling 255.46 lakh rupees for the fiscal year 2024-25.

The discussions revolved around various SUDA activities, with a focus on capacity-building programs, highlighting the need for a robust initiative to enhance the capacities of urban local bodies.

A significant aspect of the meeting was the training provided to Self-Help Groups (SHGs) involved in executing projects under the MUKTA initiative. Twelve teams, spanning 30 districts, diligently trained 59,160 members of SHGs, representing 19,720 groups.

The meeting also explored a comprehensive capacity-building program to empower community partners like SHGs in executing diverse projects under the Transforming Urban Odisha initiative. SUDA, entrusted with spearheading urban transformation in Odisha, showcased commendable performance, reaffirming its steadfast commitment to the cause.

The 23rd Governing Body meeting of SUDA demonstrated collective determination to navigate the challenges of urban development, advancing towards a more sustainable and inclusive urban landscape in Odisha.

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