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‘Samadhan Campaign’ Organized by Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare in Darjeeling

Darjeeling: The Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare organized the ‘Samadhan Campaign’, an outreach program aimed at addressing the concerns of veterans, at Bengdubi Army Camp in Darjeeling, West Bengal. Dr. Niten Chandra, Secretary (Ex-servicemen Welfare), led the initiative, reaffirming the government’s commitment to enhancing welfare measures for ex-servicemen.

Engaging directly with veterans during the campaign, Dr. Niten Chandra sought feedback on the challenges faced by veterans while availing various welfare schemes. He directed Rajya & Zila Sainik Boards, ECHS, and other related agencies to establish proactive communication channels to address veterans’ issues effectively. He emphasized the government’s unwavering support for the veteran community.

The ‘Samadhan Campaign’ is a testament to the Department’s dedication to honoring the sacrifices of ex-servicemen and their families. Through proactive engagement and dialogue, the campaign aims to create an enabling environment for ex-servicemen to thrive and contribute positively to society.

During the event, Maj Gen SBK Singh, DG Resettlement, shed light on various resettlement programs available for ex-servicemen. He encouraged veterans to explore entrepreneurship opportunities tailored to their skills and experiences.

The ‘Samadhan Campaign’ witnessed a significant turnout of veterans from Darjeeling, as well as adjoining districts of West Bengal and Bihar. Grievances related to SPARSH pension, healthcare, and other welfare issues were addressed during the event, ensuring that the voices of veterans are heard and their concerns are addressed promptly.

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