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Supreme Court of India lit up ahead of G20 Summit, in New Delhi on Wednesday. (ANI Photo)

Prime Minister Inaugurates Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Supreme Court, Launches Digital Initiatives

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the Diamond Jubilee celebration of the Supreme Court of India at the Supreme Court auditorium in Delhi today. The event marked the beginning of the 75th year of the Supreme Court and included the launch of citizen-centric information and technology initiatives, including Digital Supreme Court Reports (Digi SCR), Digital Courts 2.0, and a new website for the Supreme Court.

In his address, Prime Minister Modi congratulated everyone on the occasion, expressing gratitude for being present as the Supreme Court of India embarked on its 75th year. He highlighted the vision of the makers of the Indian constitution, who dreamed of a free India based on freedom, equality, and justice. The Prime Minister commended the Supreme Court for consistently upholding these principles and strengthening India’s vibrant democracy.

Reflecting on the landmark judgments related to individual rights and freedom of speech, Prime Minister Modi emphasized the pivotal role played by the Supreme Court in shaping the nation’s socio-political environment. He reiterated the goals for the next 25 years, emphasizing that today’s economic policies would form the foundation of a vibrant India in the future.

Amid global geopolitical changes, Prime Minister Modi emphasized that the world’s eyes are on India, and trust in the country is increasing. He urged the nation to capitalize on all opportunities, highlighting ease of living, ease of doing business, travel, communication, and ease of justice as top priorities. The Prime Minister stressed the importance of justice accessibility, announcing the acceptance of the third phase of the E-Courts Mission Project and increased fund allocation.

Prime Minister Modi acknowledged the efforts to improve the physical infrastructure of courts and informed about the recent approval of Rs 800 crore for the expansion of the Supreme Court Building Complex. He praised the digitization efforts of the Supreme Court, expressing happiness about the availability of decisions in digital format and the initiation of translating decisions into local languages.

Highlighting the role of technology in Ease of Justice, Prime Minister Modi mentioned real-time translation of his address into English using AI. He suggested similar technology implementation in courts to make legal proceedings more accessible to the common people. He also encouraged simplifying language in court judgments for better understanding.

Underlining the convergence of Indian values and modernity in the legal framework, Prime Minister Modi stressed the need for laws to reflect both Indian ethos and contemporary practices. He highlighted the government’s initiatives in abolishing outdated colonial criminal laws and introducing new legislation, aligning with present situations and best practices.

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