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Overcoming Obstacles: Gauri’s Journey Towards Education and Empowerment in Ganjam

Ganjam: In the coastal village of Ganjam, Odisha, where traditional norms often dictate the roles of girls, Gauri’s story is one of resilience and determination. Despite living in a society where a girl’s education is often undervalued, Gauri, a young girl with big dreams, is navigating the challenges of her upbringing and community expectations to pursue her education.

Raised in a modest household with her parents, two sisters, and grandmother, Gauri’s life is filled with responsibilities that leave little time for her personal aspirations. Her father earns a living by catching and selling fish, while her mother works as a laborer, earning ₹300 daily. Despite their hard work, the family’s financial situation remains fragile. To make ends meet, her parents recently migrated to Hyderabad, leaving Gauri and her sisters in the care of their grandmother.

For Gauri, balancing household chores and education has been an uphill battle. The traditional expectations placed on her often overshadow her desire to study and pursue a brighter future. Yet, Gauri has always wanted more from life and knew education was the key to achieving her dreams. However, with her parents’ move, her education became an even greater challenge.

In the face of these difficulties, an organization called DJMV has stepped in to help. Dedicated to supporting women and girls in coastal villages for many years, DJMV had to halt its programs during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, thanks to support from the National Foundation for India (NFI), they were able to restart their education initiatives, specifically focused on helping girls like Gauri.

Recognizing that many families from Baxipali village migrate to cities like Hyderabad, Chennai, and Kerala for work, DJMV opened a free tuition center to ensure girls left behind still have access to education. This initiative provides remedial classes, helping the girls catch up on their studies and regain their academic footing.

Gauri has benefited greatly from this program. Previously, she struggled in school, with no parental support to guide her studies. But now, under the care of teacher K. Yosada at the tuition center, she has not only improved academically but has also been taught essential life skills and constitutional values. Gauri’s progress has been remarkable—she scored 80% in her 9th-grade exams and is now one of the top-performing students in her 10th-grade class.

The tuition center’s impact has gone beyond academics, helping Gauri gain confidence and determination to continue her education. As she puts it, “The journey of education to achieve one’s dreams is challenging.” Yet, despite the odds, Gauri is a testament to the power of support, education, and perseverance. She now has hope for a future where her dreams are within reach, and her story is an inspiring example for other girls in similar circumstances.

Through the combined efforts of DJMV, NFI, and the dedication of teachers, girls like Gauri are defying the odds and forging paths towards brighter futures—where education, freedom, and empowerment are no longer distant dreams but tangible realities.

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