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Odisha Govt to Strengthen Child Marriage Prevention and Introduce Menstrual Health Policy

Bhubaneswar: To enhance the protection of minors and promote women’s health, the Government of Odisha is considering expanding the role of Child Marriage Prohibition Officers (CMPOs). The proposed plan involves appointing Headmasters, Principals, Sarpanches, and Wardens of residential schools as CMPOs, in addition to the existing Child Development Project Officers (CDPOs). This initiative aims to intensify efforts against child marriage across the state, ensuring a more robust and community-driven approach.

The inclusion of these key figures in the education and local governance sectors as CMPOs is expected to create a stronger and more vigilant network for identifying and preventing child marriages. By empowering those who interact closely with children and communities, the government hopes to curb this social issue more effectively.

In another forward-thinking step, the Odisha government is set to announce a new menstrual health policy as part of its 100-day plan. This policy will include a provision for one day of menstrual leave for women employees, reflecting the government’s commitment to addressing women’s health needs in the workplace. The introduction of this policy underscores the government’s dedication to creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment for women.

The menstrual health policy is anticipated to set a precedent in the region, acknowledging the importance of menstrual health and providing necessary support to women employees.

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