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India Fast-Tracks Hydro Pumped Storage Projects to Bolster Renewable Energy Integration

New Delhi: India’s drive towards faster energy transition and energy security has underscored the need for Hydro Pumped Storage Projects (PSPs). These projects are crucial for integrating large-scale renewable energy capacity into the country’s grid.

To expedite this process, the Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has granted swift approval for two major Hydro PSPs: the 600 MW Upper Indravati in Odisha, developed by OHPC Ltd (a Government of Odisha Undertaking), and the 2000 MW Sharavathy in Karnataka, developed by KPCL (a Government of Karnataka Undertaking). The CEA’s mission-mode approach received full support from the Central Water Commission (CWC), Geological Survey of India (GSI), Central Soil and Materials Research Station (CSMRS), and other stakeholders.

In addition to these approvals, the CEA has received numerous proposals for Hydro PSPs, amounting to approximately 60 GW, currently under Survey & Investigation. These projects are at various stages of Detailed Project Report (DPR) preparation. Once completed, developers will upload the DPRs on the CEA’s ONLINE Portal for approval under Section 8 of the Electricity Act, 2003. The CEA has assured a faster concurrence process for these projects, recognizing the urgent need to meet the country’s energy storage demands.

To further streamline and accelerate the approval process, the CEA has revised guidelines to simplify the preparation and concurrence of DPRs for PSPs. This initiative aligns with the Government of India’s ease of doing business drive, aiming to enhance the pace of renewable energy growth and energy storage capacity in India.

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