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Govt Seeks Report on Alleged Discrimination Against Married Women at Foxconn India Apple iPhone Plant

New Delhi: The Ministry of Labour and Employment has responded to media reports alleging that married women are being barred from working at Foxconn’s Apple iPhone plant in India. In light of these claims, the Ministry has requested a comprehensive report from the Labour Department of the Tamil Nadu Government.

According to Section 5 of the Equal Remuneration Act, 1976, it is clearly stipulated that no discrimination should occur in the recruitment of men and women workers. As the State Government holds the authority for enforcing and administering the provisions of this Act, the Ministry has sought a detailed report from the Tamil Nadu Labour Department to address the allegations.

Simultaneously, the office of the Regional Chief Labour Commissioner has been directed to provide a factual report to the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India. This dual approach aims to ensure that all facts are thoroughly investigated and any instances of discrimination are promptly addressed.

A spokesperson from the Ministry emphasized the importance of upholding the principles of equal employment opportunities and ensuring that all workers, regardless of gender or marital status, are treated fairly and without bias.

Foxconn, a major supplier for Apple, operates several manufacturing plants in India, employing thousands of workers. The allegations have sparked widespread concern, prompting calls for immediate action to ensure compliance with the Equal Remuneration Act and other relevant labor laws.

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