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Curbing the Canine Surge: Bhubaneswar to Resume Stray Dog Sterilization Program

Bhubaneswar: In response to the escalating challenges posed by stray dogs in Bhubaneswar, the civic authorities are set to reinstate a comprehensive stray dog sterilization initiative aimed at curbing their population.

The Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) has initiated preparations for the sterilization process following the recent lifting of a stay order by the Orissa High Court on Monday.

The sterilization program had been halted since July 2023 due to a stay order imposed by the High Court. In light of multiple instances of stray dog attacks reported by the residents, the BMC approached the High Court, seeking the revocation of the stay order. Presenting its case in a hearing held yesterday, the BMC successfully received the court’s approval to recommence the stray dog sterilization efforts.

A senior official within the BMC revealed, “The sterilization program was put on hold following the High Court’s stay order in July 2023. With several reported incidents of stray dog attacks, the BMC sought to lift the stay order. Having presented our case in court, we have now received the green signal to resume the stray dog sterilization program, which will commence shortly.”

Sterilization is a surgical procedure that helps control the population of stray dogs by preventing their reproduction.

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