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CSIR and MSSRF Partner to Enhance Livelihoods for Rural, Tribal, and Farming Communities

New Delhi: In a significant move towards empowering rural, tribal, and farming communities, the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and the M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on livelihood generation projects. The agreement was signed by Dr. N. Kalaiselvi, Director General of CSIR, and Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, Chairperson of MSSRF, in the presence of senior officials from both organizations.

During the signing ceremony, Dr. N. Kalaiselvi emphasized the potential of this collaboration to enhance the dissemination of CSIR’s innovative technologies to societal sectors. “While our labs are proficient in developing cutting-edge technologies, the outreach to rural and tribal communities can be significantly amplified through partnerships with grassroots organizations like MSSRF,” she stated.

Dr. Soumya Swaminathan highlighted the Foundation’s commitment to supporting tribal and vulnerable communities. “MSSRF aims to leverage CSIR’s low-cost and effective technologies to aid these communities, who often face barriers such as geographical isolation, language differences, and resource constraints,” she noted. She expressed optimism that this partnership would facilitate the transfer of vital technologies and technical support from CSIR laboratories to those in need.

The MoU establishes a framework for collaboration between CSIR and MSSRF to transfer affordable, proven technologies relevant to societal needs. It also aims to mentor self-help groups (SHGs), non-governmental organizations (NGOs), farmer producer organizations (FPOs), and other voluntary groups selected by MSSRF, thereby fostering livelihood generation and the empowerment of women and tribal populations.

CSIR, renowned for its scientific pursuits with a global impact, undertakes research and development in diverse fields such as healthcare, agriculture, nutrition, biotechnology, energy, chemicals, mining, civil infrastructure, aerospace, electronics, and environmental sciences. The organization’s vision is to drive inclusive economic development in India through innovative technologies and transdisciplinary leadership.

MSSRF, a non-profit trust recognized by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India, focuses on tribal and rural communities with a pro-poor, pro-women, and pro-nature approach. The Foundation addresses practical problems in agriculture, food, and nutrition by applying appropriate science and technology solutions through its sub-centers and field stations across the country.

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