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Critical Minerals Summit Concludes with Strategic Collaborations and Policy Insights

New Delhi: The ‘Critical Minerals Summit: Enhancing Beneficiation and Processing Capabilities’ concluded today, marking a significant milestone in India’s journey towards achieving its critical minerals objectives. Organized by the Ministry of Mines in collaboration with the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation (Shakti), Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW), and Indian Institute of Sustainable Development (IISD), the summit brought together stakeholders from government, industry, and academia to deliberate on crucial issues shaping India’s critical minerals landscape.

On the final day of the summit, panel discussions focused on policy incentives and the benefits of investing in India’s critical minerals sector. Invest India presented opportunities for critical mineral processing in India, highlighting fiscal and non-fiscal incentives available for investors. Leading mining states such as Odisha and Andhra Pradesh shared insights into the incentives provided by their respective states, showcasing the nation’s growth trajectory and state-level interventions to foster enabling infrastructure.

A cluster-based approach to promote synergies in mineral extraction, refining, and end-use, particularly in low-carbon technologies, was emphasized during the discussions. Regulatory certainty, financing frameworks, and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards emerged as crucial factors in attracting investors. Facilitation services offered by organizations like Invest India and the Industrial Promotion and Investment Corporation of Odisha (IPICOL) were highlighted for their role in facilitating the establishment of processing and beneficiation capabilities in India.

In her closing remarks, Dr. Veena Kumari Dermal, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Mines, summarized the summit’s key takeaways and outlined future directions. She underscored the importance of both domestic and international efforts to secure the critical mineral supply chain, enhance skill development, and focus on critical minerals recycling. Dr. Dermal also referenced amendments to offshore mining regulations and highlighted India’s available processing technologies for critical minerals.

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