Vice President Advocates for Rule of Law and Judicial Independence at IIPA Founders’ Day Event

New Delhi: Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar emphasized India’s steadfast commitment to democracy and the rule of law, asserting that no individual or group can compromise the nation’s robust judicial system. Speaking at the 70th Founders’ Day celebrations of the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) in New Delhi, Dhankhar reiterated that India’s democracy is unique and does not require external guidance on legal principles.

Highlighting the principle of “equality before the law” as a cornerstone of Indian society, the Vice President noted that the law is now holding individuals accountable who previously considered themselves beyond its reach. He expressed concern over the tendency of some to resort to protests and debates to evade legal consequences, emphasizing the need for a steadfast commitment to the rule of law.

Describing India’s judiciary as strong, pro-people, and independent, Dhankhar questioned the rationale behind individuals or organizations taking to the streets when legal processes are initiated. He called for introspection on whether complaints are being orchestrated to undermine the rule of law and challenged the notion of playing the victim card when facing legal consequences for transgressions.

Asserting that corruption is no longer a path to opportunity but rather to imprisonment, the Vice President underscored the need to uphold the rule of law regardless of the circumstances. He questioned arguments against dealing with corruption during festive or farming seasons, emphasizing that culpable individuals must be held accountable irrespective of the timing.

Praising the judiciary for its pro-people stance and dedication, Dhankhar highlighted its role in delivering justice even at unconventional hours or holidays. He cautioned against targeting institutional integrity and urged for accountability, particularly in the realm of politics.

Addressing India’s global role, the Vice President advocated for the country’s representation in decision-making bodies like the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). He emphasized that India’s constitutionally structured democracy uniquely positions it to contribute effectively to global governance.

In addition to his address, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar inaugurated the renovated premises of the Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA) and released several publications during the event, marking a significant milestone in the institution’s history.