PhD not mandatory to teach in central universities

New Delhi: PhD is not mandatory to teach in many Central Universities. The University Grants Commission (UGC) has decided to do away with the old ‘mandatory PhD requirement’ in order to have more industry experts as teachers in Universities.

As per the latest reports,  UGC is also planning to create new and special positions to be called as Professors of Practice and Associate Professor of Practice.

As per UGC officials the idea behind these new positions is to allow people with hands-on experience and industry work to come and share their knowledge with students. It will also help many experts who want to teach but due to no PhD degree they were unable to do so.

The position could be temporary or permanent, as per the requirements of the institutions. Further, there is a likelihood for the special position to be of part-time role as well.

Candidates interested in this new opportunity are informed that plans are only in their nascent stage and nothing has been finalised. Reports suggest that a committee will be set up soon to work out the details and official announcements will be made soon.