Bhubaneswar: In a groundbreaking achievement, Squadron Leader Manisha Padhi, a native of Odisha currently serving in the Indian Air Force, has been appointed as India’s first woman Aide-De-Camp (ADC) from the Indian Armed Forces. Mizoram Governor Dr Hari Babu Kambhampati formally announced this historic appointment on Wednesday.
The video of the Governor appointing Squadron Leader Manisha Padhi to this prestigious post was shared on his official platform. Extending warm congratulations, Governor Kambhampati expressed his delight in announcing Manisha Padhi as the first woman Indian Armed Forces officer appointed as ADC to a governor in the country.
“Manisha Padhi’s appointment is not just a milestone but a testament to the power of women breaking gender norms and excelling in different fields. Let’s celebrate this remarkable achievement and continue to champion women’s empowerment in every sphere,” remarked the Governor in a release.
Squadron Leader Manisha Padhi assumed her duties after formally joining the post, reporting to the Governor on Wednesday. During the introduction at the Raj Bhavan, Mizoram, she acquainted herself with the officers and staff.
Before her current assignment, Sqn Leader Manisha Padhi served at Air Force Station, Bidar, Air Force Station, Pune, and Air Force Station, Bhatinda.