Bhubaneswar: A staggering 769 cases of rape involving minors were reported in Odisha between June 10, 2024, and November 22, 2024, Chief Minister Mohan Charan Majhi revealed in the Odisha Assembly on Monday. The data, presented in a written response to a question by Khariar BJD MLA Adhiraj Mohan Panigrahi, underscores the growing urgency to tackle crimes against women and children in the state.
In the same period, 509 cases of rape involving adult victims and 41 instances of gang rape were registered. Adding to the grim statistics, 459 murders were reported, including 161 cases where the victims were women.
Crimes against women presented a worrying scenario, with 9,248 cases of torture against women, 5,398 incidents of cruelty against married women, and 24 dowry-related deaths reported statewide.
The district-wise breakdown of these cases further illustrates the widespread nature of such crimes, emphasizing the need for robust interventions.
These alarming figures highlight the pressing need for strengthened legal, social, and administrative measures to address crimes against women and children. Activists and experts have called for comprehensive strategies, including better law enforcement, awareness campaigns, and community engagement, to curb this disturbing trend.
The state government has pledged to intensify efforts to ensure safety and justice for women and children, promising stricter law enforcement and the implementation of victim support initiatives. The data serves as a stark reminder of the challenges that remain in achieving a secure and equitable society.