Matrujyoti Program helps in reducing Maternal Deaths in Sundargarh

Sundargarh1: The number of delivery deaths in Sundargarh district has shown a decline in the past six months due to Matrujyoti, a mother and child health programme. As per the district health department, the number between November 2020 to April 2021 is recorded as 9 against 19 recorded from May to October 2020. 

Matrujyoti, a flagship programme launched by the Sundargarh District Administration, with the financial support of District Mineral Foundation, (DMF) offers four times free ultrasound and other tests to every woman during pregnancy. The service launched in November 2020 has shown encouraging signs and is going to be instrumental in curbing Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in the district in the long term.   

“The MMR of district Sundargarh is currently 101 (for every one lakh live births), and it has been our constant endeavour to further check the same. The Matrujyoti programme has started giving rich dividends in the said direction. Through ultrasound tests, extended under the service, the health condition of the pregnant mother and the baby in the womb is assessed. Special attention is given to the high risk cases providing proper medical intervention at the right time”, informed Chief District Medical Officer Sundargarh (CDMO), Dr. Saroj Kumar Mishra.

As per district health report, zero mother deaths were recorded in the months of January-March 2021. “Though, the numbers are for six months, it is needless to say that our flagship project ‘Matrujyoti’ is going to be one of the key factors for reducing IMR & MMR in the district”, added Dr. Mishra.  

Under ‘Matrujyoti’, over 28 thousand pregnant women of the district are going to get the benefit annually. To achieve these objectives, 7 Government hospitals and 45 private clinics have been empanelled by the District Administration. Anganwadi and ASHA workers along with Gaon Kalyan Samiti (GKS) members and the local community play a vital role behind the success of this program.

The program which was temporarily paused due to COVID was resumed from 1st July. Since its inception, over 19,500 ultrasound tests have been carried out. Similarly, more than 250 high risk cases have been addressed with necessary medical care and advice.