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Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh Inaugurates Advanced Indian Coast Guard Facilities in Chennai and Puducherry

Chennai: Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh inaugurated the newly-constructed, state-of-the-art Indian Coast Guard (ICG) Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre (MRCC) building in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, today. In a significant move to bolster maritime security and environmental protection, he also virtually launched the Regional Marine Pollution Response Centre, located at Chennai Port, and the Coast Guard Air Enclave in Puducherry.

The inauguration of these facilities underscores India’s commitment to ensuring robust maritime safety, efficient emergency response, and environmental protection in the Indian Ocean Region.

Maritime Rescue Coordination Centre

The MRCC in Chennai is a cutting-edge facility designed to enhance the coordination and effectiveness of maritime rescue operations for mariners and fishermen in distress. The Centre is equipped with the latest terrestrial and satellite-based distress monitoring systems and advanced communication tools. Highly-trained ICG personnel, specializing in Search & Rescue procedures, will manage real-time alerts and deploy rescue aircraft, ships, and other resources swiftly to ensure the safety of lives at sea.

Rajnath Singh emphasized the government’s resolve to protect lives at sea, stating that the MRCC will play a crucial role in ensuring swift and effective responses in critical situations.

Regional Marine Pollution Response Centre

The Regional Marine Pollution Response Centre, a first-of-its-kind facility, is dedicated to coordinating responses to marine pollution incidents, particularly oil and chemical spills, in the waters adjoining India’s coastal states. The Centre, established at the premises of Coast Guard Regional Headquarters East within Chennai Port, will be manned 24/7 by ICG personnel.

This Centre, first announced by Rajnath Singh during the maiden Indo-ASEAN meeting in Cambodia on November 22, 2022, will also serve as a training hub. It will offer training in pollution response techniques to ports, oil handling agencies, government organizations, and private entities, as well as personnel from friendly countries. Practical training will include the deployment of oil spill response equipment, providing maximum exposure to real-time scenarios.

Coast Guard Air Enclave

The newly established Coast Guard Air Enclave in Puducherry marks a significant milestone in strengthening maritime security along the Puducherry and South Tamil Nadu coastlines. The Enclave will house Chetak and Advanced Light Helicopter Squadrons, both indigenously built and capable of undertaking maritime patrol, Search & Rescue missions, and other critical operations from both land and Coast Guard ships.

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