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Commerce Secretary Sunil Barthwal Participates in 14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ Meeting

New Delhi: Sunil Barthwal, the Commerce Secretary of India, attended the 14th BRICS Trade Ministers’ Meeting held on July 26, 2024, under the BRICS Presidency of the Russian Federation. The theme for this year’s BRICS summit is “Strengthening Multilateralism for Just Global Development”.

In his address, Barthwal congratulated the Russian Presidency for introducing proposals on contemporary issues and extended a warm welcome to the new BRICS members—Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the UAE—acknowledging their active participation in the discussions.

The Commerce Secretary highlighted the necessity of reinforcing the multilateral trading system with the WTO at its core, enhancing the functionality of Joint Value Chains, promoting interactions among MSMEs, sharing India’s success in digitalization and e-commerce, and emphasizing the importance of cooperation among Special Economic Zones.

On multilateralism, Barthwal stressed collective efforts to resolve long-standing mandated issues of the WTO, particularly focusing on development aspects and Special and Differential treatment. He underscored the urgency of finding a permanent solution to Public Stock Holding, establishing a two-tier Dispute Settlement system, and implementing WTO reforms based on its principles and objectives. He also advocated for invigorating the WTO through the “30 for 30” initiative, which aims to introduce at least 30 operational improvements to the WTO before it turns 30 in 2025.

Barthwal highlighted the importance of strengthening supply chain resilience through decentralization and diversification, furthering cooperation in value chains through the G20 generic Mapping framework for GVCs, and promoting paperless trade, including the digitalization of documents like the Bill of Lading.

He called for collaboration to ensure access to affordable emerging technologies critical for green transitions and climate resilience. He also expressed concerns over climate-related unilateral measures that impact trade, arguing that such measures undermine rights and obligations under specialized Multilateral Environmental Agreements and violate NDC Principles and CBDR principles.

The Commerce Secretary emphasized the need for MSME integration with Global Value Chains. He reiterated the Jaipur call for action for enhancing MSMEs’ access to information, issued during India’s BRICS Presidency in 2023. Shri Barthwal praised the Russian Presidency for its efforts in compiling basic information about MSMEs among BRICS members. He stressed the importance of cooperation in research and development, technology transfers, joint ventures, and business development opportunities.

Highlighting the urgency of accelerating inclusive digital transformation, Barthwal referred to India’s success in building an open-source India Stack of Critical Digital Public Infrastructure, which follows core principles of open access, transparency, trust, and data protection. He expressed India’s willingness to share its digital revolution experience with BRICS countries in areas such as payments, e-commerce, national identity, banking, and education.

Regarding the Russian Presidency’s initiative on Special Economic Zones (SEZs), Shri Barthwal acknowledged their transformative impact on providing employment, state-of-the-art technologies, and boosting exports. He underscored the importance of exchanging information and best practices.

In conclusion, Barthwal emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts, commitment, resilience, unity, and transparency to face challenges under the principles of compassion, empathy, and understanding, for a brighter future for BRICS countries.

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