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Scientists Discover Cave on Moon, Potential Site for Lunar Base

In a groundbreaking discovery, scientists have identified a cave on the Moon that could serve as an ideal location for a permanent human base. The cave, located on the rocky plain of Mare Tranquillitatis, is at least 100 meters deep and is believed to be one of potentially hundreds of hidden caves on the lunar surface.

Helen Sharman, the first British astronaut to travel to space, told that the cave appeared to be a promising site for a lunar base. She suggested that within 20-30 years, humans could potentially be living in these lunar pits. However, due to its depth, astronauts might need advanced methods such as abseiling, jet packs, or lifts to navigate in and out of the cave.

The discovery was made by Lorenzo Bruzzone and Leonardo Carrer of the University of Trento in Italy, who used radar to penetrate the opening of a pit. The cave is visible from Earth and is located near the Apollo 11 landing site. It features a skylight leading to vertical and overhanging walls, with a sloping floor that may extend further underground. This structure was formed millions or billions of years ago by flowing lava, creating a tunnel through the rock.

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