Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar’s Republic Day Eve Message: Reflecting on Achievements and Renewing Commitments

New Delhi: As the nation gears up to celebrate the 75th Republic Day, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar extends his warmest wishes to all fellow citizens on this joyous occasion. In a heartfelt message, he commemorates the visionary leaders who, seventy-five years ago, laid the foundation for a nation guided by justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity – principles that have shaped the world’s largest and most inclusive democracy.

Vice President Dhankhar emphasizes the significance of the AmritKaal of the Republic, urging citizens to reflect on the struggles, sacrifices, and accomplishments that have molded Bharat into a beacon of hope for humanity. This occasion serves as a moment of collective introspection, recognizing the collective journey that has defined the nation’s identity and purpose.

Celebrating the achievements of the nation, Vice President Dhankher encourages citizens to use the 75th anniversary of the Republic as an opportunity to recommit themselves to the principles enshrined in the Constitution. Justice, liberty, equality, and fraternity, envisioned by the founding fathers, continue to be the guiding lights for the nation’s progress.

On this significant milestone, Vice President Dhankhar calls for unity and collaboration, urging all citizens to work together in building a stronger and more prosperous Bharat. The message echoes a sense of shared responsibility in shaping the future, emphasizing the collective efforts needed to propel the nation forward.

As the nation stands at the threshold of the future, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar’s message serves as a rallying call for citizens to renew their commitment to the ideals that have defined the nation’s democratic spirit for 75 years. The occasion is not only a celebration of the past but also a reinvigoration of the shared vision that will guide Bharat into a future marked by progress, inclusivity, and prosperity.

75th Republic DayAmritKaalVice-President Jagdeep Dhankhar