Union Home Minister Amit Shah to Inaugurate New Office Building of Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies

Union Home Minister Amit Shah to Inaugurate New Office Building of Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies

New Delhi:  Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, is set to inaugurate the new building of the Office of the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies at the World Trade Centre, Naoroji Nagar, New Delhi on Wednesday, January 17, 2024.

Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and the guidance of Cooperation Minister, several significant steps have been taken to strengthen the Office of the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies following the formation of the Ministry of Cooperation. Key initiatives include the amendment of the Multi-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002 and Rules, the launch of a ‘Digital Portal’ for the Central Registrar’s Office, and the establishment of a ‘Cooperative Election Authority’ to conduct elections of Multi-State Cooperative Societies in a timely, fair, and transparent manner.

Additional efforts include the formation of two panels of auditors for Multi-State Cooperative Societies, the preparation of bye-law templates, the issuance of orders appointing Cooperative Information Officers, the creation of the CRCS portal for efficient fund collection and utilization, and the establishment of a post for ‘Ombudsman’ to address complaints and provide guidance.

The new office building is a crucial addition, providing adequate seating space for the officers and officials of the Central Registrar’s Office. With a total of 1625 Multi-State Cooperative Societies registered in the country, the new facility aims to enhance the smooth functioning of the Central Registrar’s Office.

The inauguration program will be attended by Minister of State for Cooperation, Secretary of M/o Cooperation, Managing Director of NBCC, and representatives from Multi-State Cooperative Federations, Multi-State Cooperative Societies, and Banks from across the country.

Amit ShahCentral Registrar of Cooperative SocietiesCooperative Election AuthorityDigital PortalInaugurationMinistry of CooperationMulti-State Cooperative Societies