Union Health Secretary Apurva Chandra Addresses BRICS Health Ministers’ Meeting at WHO Assembly

Geneva: Apurva Chandra, Union Health Secretary of India, addressed the BRICS Health Ministers’ Meeting held on the sidelines of the 77th World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva today. In his speech, he emphasized India’s active engagement in BRICS health initiatives and its commitment to collaborative efforts to strengthen health systems across the BRICS nations.

“India has demonstrated active engagement in BRICS health track initiatives, promoting collaborative endeavors to advance joint health agendas aimed at fortifying health systems across BRICS nations, thereby addressing critical global health challenges,” Chandra stated.

During India’s presidency, significant milestones were achieved, including the conceptualization of a BRICS integrated Early Warning System to prevent mass infectious risks, aligned with the International Health Regulations. Chandra highlighted the importance of the One Health approach for disease surveillance, emphasizing a holistic view of health that integrates human, animal, and environmental health.

A notable achievement during India’s presidency was the virtual launch of the BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Centre. Chandra designated the Indian Council of Medical Research-National Institute of Virology (NIV) as the coordinating agency for the centre’s activities. “ICMR, along with NIV and a network of partner institutes, is embarking on phase-3 clinical trials of a recombinant dengue vaccine. Additionally, research and trials for locally endemic diseases such as Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD), Nipah virus, Human Papillomavirus, MTBVAC (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Vaccine), and Influenza have also been extended to ICMR and other partners,” he announced.

Addressing the global challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), Chandra noted that India’s national action plan on AMR, launched in 2017, focuses on cross-sectoral collaboration and the One Health approach. “India aligns with the agenda of the upcoming BRICS conference on AMR and advocates for collaboration among BRICS nations to devise and execute protocols, projects, and platforms aimed at addressing AMR through comprehensive measures such as data analysis, laboratory quality control, epidemiological assessment, and training initiatives,” he said.

Chandra also acknowledged the importance of advancing collaboration within BRICS countries in nuclear medicine and radio-pharmaceutical science. He emphasized strengthening the radio-pharmaceutical supply chain, enhancing isotope production, and fostering the development and commercialization of advanced digital solutions.