Students Embrace Sustainable Living Wisdom during Auroville Exposure Tour under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

Students Embrace Sustainable Living Wisdom during Auroville Exposure Tour under Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat

Auroville: As part of the Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat (EBSB) programme, students engaged in the Auroville Exposure Tour immersed themselves in the principles of sustainable living, exploring Auroville’s innovative practices.

The third day of the tour commenced with an educational exploration of the Botanical Gardens, where students admired the dedicated efforts in conservation and the cultivation of diverse plant species. The gardens, meticulously crafted with thoughtful designs, offered insights into sustainable agricultural practices.

Architectural sessions provided students with an understanding of design principles that emphasize cost-effectiveness, natural integration, and eco-friendliness within a communal framework. Auroville’s distinctive approach, setting an exemplary standard for sustainable living, was a key focus, inspiring participants to exchange best practices.

The day continued with sessions on meditative movement, yoga, sound baths, and an exploration of “Theatre Powerful Me,” aligning with Auroville’s integral education philosophy. Students actively participated, experiencing diverse creative forces and contemplating how to implement these insights in their communities.

Enthusiastic to learn and share, the students engaged in discussions reflecting genuine curiosity about how Auroville addresses challenges. Their questions mirrored evolving concerns and a shared commitment to sustainable and harmonious living.

The evening featured music and dance performances celebrating the diversity and uniqueness of each participant’s cultural heritage. The collective spirit of the day extended beyond educational exchange, fostering friendships and a shared dedication to sustainable living.

Initiated by the Ministry of Education, the EBSB programme emphasizes the relevance of educational and cultural tours in alignment with themes under the National Education Policy (NEP), G-20 Leaders’ Declaration, and Sri Aurobindo’s 150th Birth Anniversary. The Auroville Foundation, an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Education, organizes the program, introducing youth to spirituality, Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, and practical implementation of integral education, with Auroville being a unique experiment towards that end.

Auroville Exposure TourEk Bharat Shrestha BharatNational Education PolicySri Aurobindo's 150th Birth Anniversarysustainable living