Solinas’ Homosep Atom: Revolutionizing Sanitation with India’s First Robotic Septic Tank Cleaner

Chennai: In a significant leap towards eradicating manual scavenging, Solinas, a startup incubated in the Department of Science and Technology (DST)-Technology Business Incubator (TBI) of IIT Madras, has introduced India’s first septic tank/manhole cleaning robot, the Homosep Atom.

The Homosep Atom, developed by Solinas, is a state-of-the-art robotic solution aimed at transforming sanitation practices and eliminating the need for manual scavenging. Incubated in DST-TBI, IIT Madras, Solinas integrated Artificial Intelligence (AI) into this affordable robotic technology, offering an end-to-end solution for inspecting, cleaning, and managing confined spaces for sanitation purposes.

Deployed in 16 cities across India, the Homosep Atom robot facilitates extensive blade cleaning, solid waste desilting, suction, and storage in a single device. This innovative approach not only replaces manual cleaning methods but also reduces costs associated with owning multiple assets. The robot has been instrumental in clearing manhole blockages, reducing sewer overflows, and ensuring efficient waste transportation to treatment plants.

Specifically designed for septic tanks associated with large apartments, housing boards, and individual houses, the Homosep Atom empowers municipal authorities to promptly and efficiently manage waste. The robotic technology allows sanitary workers to clean manholes from the outside, avoiding exposure to toxic environments, thereby providing dignity to these essential workers.

Solinas, a deep-tech and climate tech startup originating from IIT Madras, specializes in developing miniature robots for water and sanitation solutions. The DST-TBI at IIT Madras played a pivotal role in advancing Solinas’ product development in its early stages. The startup’s portfolio includes the Homosep Atom as well as other technologies like the 90mm water robot and 120mm sewer robot, capable of navigating through pipelines below 100mm, addressing contamination challenges in water-sewer pipelines.

In addition to its flagship product, Solinas’s technologies, such as Endobot and Swasth AI, serve as pipeline diagnostic tools, detecting and mitigating water contamination, wastages, and sewer overflows. The startup’s AI-based pipeline defect identification and assessment services have contributed to cost savings, reduced resolution time, and improved drinking water supply in various cities.

Professor Abhay Karandikar, Secretary DST, highlighted the support provided by DST for startups like Solinas, emphasizing its role in encouraging young entrepreneurs to develop knowledge-based enterprises that address societal challenges and contribute to the country’s growth and development. Solinas’s initiatives align with the broader goal of the government’s startup movement, fostering innovation and solving critical issues.

Homosep Atom