Report on Technology Transfer Centres Released by DST – Centre for Policy Research, Panjab University

New Delhi: The DST – Centre for Policy Research, Panjab University, released a comprehensive study titled “Technology Transfer Centres to Increase Commercialization of Innovations in India.” Dr. Akhilesh Gupta, Senior Adviser at the Department of Science and Technology (DST), unveiled the report, which aims to enhance Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) and the overall technology transfer process in India.

The study, conducted under the Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment (FLCTD) with the support of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), New Delhi, addresses various aspects related to TTOs. These include their structure, functions, administrative processes, governance frameworks, capacity-building needs, and challenges.

Dr. Gupta highlighted the critical role of Technology Transfer Centres in expediting the transition of research ideas into the marketplace, ultimately contributing to the nation’s global competitiveness. He emphasized that TTOs play a crucial role in facilitating the commercialization of innovative ideas, transforming them into tangible products and services for societal benefit.

The report sheds light on the mechanisms and instruments employed by TTOs to successfully transfer technology from academia to the industry. It underscores the crucial role played by these offices in bridging the gap between academia and industry.

Offering valuable insights to policymakers, the report enables them to identify areas requiring attention to strengthen mechanisms that foster innovation and facilitate technology transfer in the country. It provides recommendations on how to enhance the function of technology transfer, deepen industry-academia partnerships, create a comprehensive policy ecosystem, and widen the stakeholder network to support grassroots-level and indigenous innovations.

This study aligns with the Science, Technology, and Innovation initiatives of the Government of India, supporting the nation’s goals of energy transition and achieving net-zero emissions. The released report stands as a resource for policymakers to guide future strategies in promoting innovation and technology transfer across sectors.