Prime Minister Narendra Modi Holds Bilateral Talks with Bhutanese Counterpart

Thimphu: Prime Minister Narendra Modi embarked on a significant visit to Bhutan, where he met with H.E. Tshering Tobgay, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, in Thimphu today. The meeting, which took place over a working lunch hosted in honour of Prime Minister Modi, was marked by warm exchanges and fruitful discussions aimed at strengthening the close ties between the two nations.

Expressing his gratitude, Prime Minister Modi thanked Prime Minister Tobgay for the warm reception extended to him by the people of Bhutan, who greeted him enthusiastically throughout his journey from Paro to Thimphu.

During the talks, the leaders explored various dimensions of the multi-faceted bilateral relationship and reaffirmed their commitment to further enhancing cooperation across key sectors. Emphasis was placed on bolstering collaboration in areas such as renewable energy, agriculture, youth exchange programs, environmental conservation, forestry management, and tourism.

India and Bhutan share a longstanding and exceptional relationship characterized by mutual trust, goodwill, and understanding at all levels. The meeting between Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Tobgay underscored the deep-rooted bonds of friendship and cooperation between the two neighboring nations.

Prior to their discussions, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Tobgay witnessed the exchange of several Memoranda of Understanding (MoUs) and agreements covering a wide range of areas including energy, trade, digital connectivity, space cooperation, agriculture, and youth engagement. These agreements are poised to further solidify the bilateral partnership and pave the way for enhanced collaboration in various fields of mutual interest.

The meeting between the two leaders reaffirmed the commitment of India and Bhutan to fostering a robust and enduring partnership, grounded in shared values and aspirations. It also laid the groundwork for continued cooperation and collaboration to address common challenges and seize new opportunities for the benefit of both nations and their people.

India and Bhutan