Prime Minister Modi Holds Telephone Conversation with Italian Prime Minister Meloni

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi had a telephone conversation today with Georgia Meloni, Prime Minister of Italy, wherein he extended his greetings to PM Meloni and the people of Italy on the occasion of the 79th anniversary of Liberation Day.

During the call, Prime Minister Modi expressed his gratitude to Prime Minister Meloni for the invitation to the G7 Summit Outreach Sessions scheduled to be held in June 2024 in Puglia, Italy. The leaders discussed the importance of building upon the significant outcomes achieved during India’s G20 Presidency, particularly those that support the Global South, at the upcoming G7 Summit under Italy’s Presidency.

Both leaders reaffirmed their commitment to further strengthening the bilateral strategic partnership between India and Italy, emphasizing the shared values and interests that bind the two nations together.

In addition to discussing bilateral matters, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Meloni exchanged views on various regional and global developments of mutual interest, underscoring the importance of continued dialogue and cooperation in addressing common challenges and advancing shared goals.

The telephone conversation between Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Meloni reflects the close and cordial relations between India and Italy, and highlights the commitment of both countries to deepening their engagement across various fields for the mutual benefit of their peoples.

Georgia Meloni