Odisha to Install CCTV and GPS in Mandis for Transparent Paddy Transport

Odisha to Install CCTV and GPS in Mandis for Transparent Paddy Transport

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha government will install closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras in all Mandis to ensure transparent paddy transport, announced Minister of Food Supplies and Consumer Welfare Krushna Chandra Patra on Saturday.

In addition, GPS systems will be installed in vehicles transporting paddy from procurement centers to millers. The CCTV cameras will monitor paddy movement in the Mandis, while the GPS systems will enable real-time tracking of vehicle locations, ensuring efficient and legitimate transport.

“This project aims to enhance transparency and prevent corruption,” stated Minister Patra, noting that district collectors have been informed. Implementation is expected within two months. Additionally, the government plans to establish cold storage units in every block of the state to further support agricultural infrastructure.
