Odisha Students Make History, Set Guinness World Record for Most Manuscripts Uploaded on Facebook in One Hour

Bhubaneswar: Marking a historic achievement, students from Odisha Government and government-aided high schools have set a new Guinness World Record by uploading the most book manuscripts on the social media platform ‘Facebook’ within an hour.

In celebration of the inaugural World Odia Language Conference, students collaborated on composing manuscripts for the book ‘Mo Katha Mo Kahani’ through the ‘Sahitya Srujani’ literary clubs in their respective schools. During a dedicated hour, the students successfully uploaded information about the book on Facebook, securing their place in the Guinness Book of World Records.

The ‘Sahitya Srujani’ literary clubs play a crucial role in fostering language skills and creativity among students, organizing various programs at the school level. High school students engage in crafting creative stories and poems as part of these initiatives. The record-breaking upload occurred on Friday between 12:00 and 1:00, surpassing the previous record by fourfold.

Despite encountering technical errors on the Facebook page due to the overwhelming volume of uploads, the Guinness Book of World Records officially recognized the achievement. Notably, the previous record was set on November 1, 2021, by Namami Gange, which uploaded data for 5408 books online. The students from Odisha’s government and government-aided schools successfully surpassed this milestone through the collaborative efforts of the Mo School Abhiyan.

Book ManuscriptsGuinness Book of World RecordsMo Katha Mo KahaniMo School AbhiyanSahitya SrujaniWorld Odia Language Conference