Odisha H&UD Department Plans to Eliminate Traffic Red Lights

Bhubaneswar The Odisha Housing and Urban Development department is considering an innovative approach to remove red lights from traffic posts in various urban areas to improve traffic flow and reduce waiting times for commuters.

Minister Krushna Chandra Mahapatra announced on Tuesday that the government is exploring alternatives to traditional traffic signals, which often cause long waits at intersections.

“Alternative arrangements like over-bridges and approach roads can be constructed to avoid red lights at traffic posts. This will help commuters ease their movement without any hindrance at traffic junctions,” the minister stated.

The department will prepare a comprehensive plan following discussions with senior officers and experts in the field. The focus is on enhancing the efficiency of vehicular communication and ensuring that people can reach their destinations quickly and without obstacles.

“People always want to reach their destination early without any obstacles. We will prioritize smooth and convenient vehicular communication for the common people. We are planning to remove red lights from the traffic posts and make alternative arrangements like constructing over-bridges and approach roads,” said Minister Mahapatra.