National Culture Fund Facilitates Cultural Heritage Preservation through Public-Private Partnerships

New Delhi: In a bid to promote, protect, and preserve India’s rich cultural heritage, the Government established the National Culture Fund (NCF) on November 28, 1996, under the Charitable Endowment Act, 1890. Functioning as a Trust, the NCF aims to mobilize additional resources through Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) to support both tangible and intangible cultural heritage initiatives.

Under the PPP mode, the NCF collaborates with various agencies through Memoranda of Understanding (MoU) for agreed-upon projects. The NCF plays a pivotal role in overseeing the implementation of projects in accordance with established norms. Donors and sponsors enjoy flexibility in indicating specific projects, locations, aspects, and implementing agencies for the execution of their chosen initiatives.

To ensure the timely execution of projects supported by the NCF under PPP mode, the Project Implementation Committee (PIC) holds regular meetings. The committee, chaired by the Director General of the Archaeological Survey of India for ASI projects and officials from NCF/Ministry of Culture for other projects, monitors progress and facilitates smooth implementation.

The NCF opens avenues for donations from various entities, including Corporates, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs), Public Sector Banks (PSBs), trusts, and individuals. These donations are directed towards the maintenance and preservation of centrally projected monuments and cultural projects. Donors enjoy the added benefit of availing 100% tax benefits while supporting initiatives that contribute to the preservation of India’s cultural legacy.

All donors and sponsors are obligated to comply with the terms and conditions outlined in the MoU for a particular project. This ensures accountability and transparency in the execution of initiatives aimed at safeguarding and promoting India’s cultural heritage.

Union Minister for Culture, Tourism, and Development of North Eastern Region, Shri G. Kishan Reddy, shared this information in the Rajya Sabha today. The NCF’s role in fostering collaboration between the government and private entities underscores the commitment to preserving India’s diverse and culturally significant heritage for future generations.

Cultural heritageNational Culture Fund (NCF)Project Implementation Committee (PIC)