Ministry of Food Processing Initiates Comprehensive Scheme for Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure

New Delhi:  The Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI) is actively executing the Scheme for Integrated Cold Chain and Value Addition Infrastructure, a pivotal component of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY). The scheme’s core objective is to establish an integrated cold chain, preservation, and value addition infrastructure that spans seamlessly from the farm gate to the consumer. This initiative aims to significantly reduce post-harvest losses for non-horticulture produce, dairy, meat, poultry, and marine/fish (excluding shrimp).

The scheme operates on a demand-driven model, with eligibility extending to individuals, as well as entities and organizations such as Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), Farmer Producer Companies, Non-Governmental Organizations, Public Sector Undertakings, Firms, Companies, and others with a vested interest in cold chain solutions and supply chain management.

Key components of the Scheme include the creation of Farm Level Infrastructure, Processing Centers, Distribution Hubs, Refrigerated vans/trucks/tankers, and a standalone component supporting the establishment of an Irradiation Facility. Emphasis is placed on flexibility in project planning, with a special focus on developing cold chain infrastructure at the farm level.

Under the Scheme, MoFPI provides a grant-in-aid at a rate of 35% of the eligible project cost for projects in General areas and 50% for projects in Difficult areas, SC/ST projects, FPOs, and Self Help Groups, subject to a maximum of Rs.10 crore per project. To date, MoFPI has approved 372 projects, contributing to the creation of 38.82 lakh metric tonnes of preservation capacity and 148.07 lakh metric tonnes of processing capacity annually. These projects directly benefit 35.53 lakh farmers and have generated employment opportunities for 2.23 lakh individuals.

This initiative underscores the government’s commitment to modernizing the food processing sector and building a robust infrastructure that enhances efficiency, reduces wastage, and ensures a seamless supply chain from farm to consumer.

Farmer Producer CompaniesFarmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)Integrated Cold ChainMinistry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI)Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY)Value Addition Infrastructure