Media Round Table in Bhubaneswar Urges Ethical Reporting for Children’s Rights

Bhubaneswar: UNICEF, in collaboration with Odisha Women in Media (OWM), hosted a media round table on the ‘Portrayal of Children in Media’ in Bhubaneswar on Friday. The event aimed to underscore the significant role of media in safeguarding and promoting children’s rights, fostering essential conversations about their depiction in media narratives.

During the discussions, participants explored the profound impact of media on shaping the understanding of the youngest generation. William Hanlon Jr., Chief of Field Office UNICEF Bhubaneswar, highlighted the mission to advocate for responsible and positive representations of children. “Media has the power to shape narratives that contribute to the well-being and future of our younger generation. Every child’s story deserves to be told with authenticity, empathy, and respect,” he emphasized.

Ajay Singh, UNICEF Odisha Specialist Social Policy, stressed the importance of positive reporting on child rights, urging media professionals to prioritize rights-related issues over frivolous ones. Senior journalist Sandeep Sahu provided insights into the ethical considerations of reporting on children, emphasizing the need to protect their privacy.

Kasturi Ray, President of OWM, called for a critical assessment of current reporting trends and recognition of the power media holds in shaping narratives. She highlighted the responsibility of journalists to empower rather than exploit through their pens and cameras, shaping societal understanding and contributing to the well-being of children.

Experts at the round table explored the intricate ways media influences perceptions of children and their stories. The event reiterated the mission to champion responsible portrayals and ensure authenticity in storytelling. It addressed ongoing challenges where children are still at risk and underscored the vital role of media professionals in prioritizing children’s issues in their reporting.