Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi Reviews Logistic Depot at Udhampur, Emphasizing Safety and Efficiency

Udhampur: Lieutenant General Upendra Dwivedi, the Army Commander of Northern Command (NC), conducted a comprehensive visit to the Logistic Depot at Udhampur. The purpose of the visit was to assess the safety, security, and efficiency of the depot, vital components contributing to the overall readiness of the Dhruva Command.

During the visit, Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi interacted closely with personnel at the Logistic Depot, acknowledging their pivotal role in bolstering the operational preparedness of field formations. The Army Commander expressed commendation for the troops, recognizing their unwavering commitment to maintaining top-notch security measures.

Highlighting the significance of the Logistic Depot in supporting the Dhruva Command’s overall readiness, Lt Gen Dwivedi stressed the importance of strict adherence to safety protocols. The review aimed to ensure that the depot operates at optimal efficiency, contributing seamlessly to the strategic goals of the Northern Command.

The troops at the Logistic Depot were lauded for their dedication and diligence, as their efforts play a critical role in reinforcing the operational capabilities of the armed forces. The visit reflects the Army Commander’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of safety, security, and operational efficiency within the Northern Command.

Lt Gen Upendra Dwivedi’s hands-on approach in reviewing the Logistic Depot underscores the Indian Army’s continuous efforts to enhance its preparedness and effectiveness in safeguarding the nation’s interests. The troops’ commitment to excellence was acknowledged as a cornerstone in the broader strategy of ensuring the security and readiness of the Dhruva Command.

Army Commander of Northern CommandDhruva CommandefficiencyLieutenant General Upendra DwivediLogistic DepotsafetySecurityUdhampur