Khelo India Youth Games 2023: Jyoshna Sabar Sets New National Youth Record in Weightlifting

Chennai: In a spectacular display of strength and skill at the 6th Khelo India Youth Games 2023 held at the Jawaharlal Nehru Indoor Stadium, Jyoshna Sabar carved her name in the record books by creating a new National Youth record in the Snatch category for the 40kg weight class. The achievement added another gold medal to Odisha’s growing tally in the competition.

Jyoshna’s exceptional performance included lifting a total of 130 kgs, showcasing her prowess in both the Snatch and Clean and Jerk disciplines. Her dominance in the Snatch category, where she lifted 60 kgs, was a key factor in securing the gold medal.

Another  weightlifter from Odisha, Priteesmita Bhoi put up a commendable effort, securing the second position with a total lift of 116 kgs. The competition remained fierce, and B Neerja of Andhra Pradesh claimed the bronze with a total lift of 114 kgs.


6th Khelo India Youth Games 2023Jyoshna SabarOdishaPriteesmita BhoiWeightlifting