India’s Wildlife Takes Center Stage at the 18th Mumbai International Film Festival

Bhubaneswar: The 18th edition of the Mumbai International Film Festival (MIFF) is celebrating India’s profound connection with its rich biodiversity by presenting a specially curated package of Wildlife stories in the Non-Competition section. This exclusive collection of documentaries highlights the beauty, challenges, and urgent conservation needs of various species, showcasing India’s diverse landscapes and ecosystems.

From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the lush forests of the Western Ghats, India’s diverse terrains provide habitats for a multitude of creatures, including tigers, elephants, rhinos, leopards, and a variety of bird species. The featured documentaries bring forth captivating and educational narratives, aiming to inspire audiences to take action for the environment. Here is a closer look at the documentaries included in the Wildlife package:


In an age of climate consciousness, “Wings Of Himalayas” is a thrilling adventure and a groundbreaking documentary exploring the fascinating world of the globally threatened Bearded Vulture. The film follows Nepali biologists Dr. Tulsi Subedi and his mentee Sandesh, who bravely face the challenges of a changing climate to protect these majestic birds. This 31-minute documentary in English hopes to inspire audiences worldwide to take action and live more sustainably in harmony with nature.

Screening Date, Time & Venue: June 20, 2024, 8.30 pm at JB Hall

About the Directors:

Kiran Ghadge, a wildlife filmmaker, has created numerous documentaries highlighting conservation efforts both within India and internationally. Kiran also advocates for nature through lectures and writings, promoting sustainable tourism and conservation.

Munir Virani is a conservation biologist, photographer, filmmaker, and writer with over twenty years of experience in conservation project design, execution, management, and dissemination.


“Homecoming” follows the life journey of a green turtle on a curiosity-rousing adventure. Over 30 years, Puddles travels from hatching on a remote beach to the ocean, navigating a dangerous crawl, experiencing her first swim, and eventually settling in the vast expanse of the ocean. However, due to unchecked pollution of its waters, Puddles faces challenges in finding her way back home to the beach where she was born, threatening the very existence of her species.

Screening Date, Time & Venue: June 18, 2024, 6.45 pm at JB Hall

About the Director:

Amoghavarsha J. S. is an Indian filmmaker and wildlife photographer. In 2021, he won the 67th National Film Awards for his film “Wild Karnataka” as the Best Exploration/ Voice Over Film, narrated by Sir David Attenborough.


“Blood Line” tells the story of Madhuri, or Tiger (T10), the grand matriarch of the Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve. The story takes us deep into the forests of Central India, at the heartland of India’s Tiger Capital. In recent years, reports denote an upward trend in the central India tiger population, but the increasing numbers stack up against a shrinking landscape. Loss of habitat, rapidly fragmented corridors, and prey pools, coupled with surplus tiger populations, paint a contrasting picture. The documentary presents a harsh reality for an expanding lineage of these magnificent cats. The film follows Madhuri’s extraordinary journey and her progeny, in an ultimate battle for survival and the safety of her precious cubs.

Screening Date, Time & Venue: June 17, 2024, 8.30 pm at JB Hall, NFDC

About the Director:

Shriharsh Gajbhiye, a passionate wildlife photographer born and raised in the Tiger Capital of India, has been consumed by a burning passion for the natural world since he first photographed a tiger in the wild. Over the years, Shriharsh honed his storytelling and photography skills, closely following Madhuri for years to discover her extraordinary story, which spanned half a decade to complete.

The Documentary Film Bazaar, part of MIFF, continues to amplify filmmakers’ voices, bringing captivating wildlife stories to the forefront of international cinema, and fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to wildlife conservation among global audiences.

18th edition of the Mumbai International Film Festival