India’s Coal Sector Takes Strides in Energy Conservation and Efficiency Measures

New Delhi: In alignment with its commitment to reduce the Emissions Intensity of its GDP by 45% by 2030, India has positioned the Coal Sector at the forefront of energy conservation and efficiency measures. Recognizing the paramount importance of judicious energy resource utilization, the Coal Sector aims to play a pivotal role in achieving global environmental sustainability goals.

Over the last three years, Coal/Lignite Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) have undertaken various energy conservation and efficiency measures, including energy audits, transitioning to energy-efficient LED lights, adopting star-rated appliances, installing capacitor banks, utilizing auto-timers in street lights, deploying energy-efficient pumps, and incorporating electric vehicles into their operations. The significance of such initiatives lies in the potential to reduce the need for fresh capacity creation by 2 to 2.5 times through the conservation of one unit of energy at the consumption level.

Coal India Limited, a key player in the Coal Sector, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Energy Efficiency Services Limited to implement comprehensive Energy Efficiency Programs. These programs include Building Energy Efficiency Projects (BEEP), the replacement of outdated appliances and equipment, the adoption of electric vehicles, and the installation of distributed and rooftop solar projects.

In a landmark achievement, Coal/Lignite PSUs have successfully replaced all conventional lights with energy-efficient LED lights across their command areas, premises, headquarters, mines, offices, warehouses, colonies, residences, campus, and restrooms. This extensive implementation not only addresses lighting requirements but also demonstrates a dedicated effort to replace inefficient lighting systems with environmentally friendly alternatives.

From FY 2021-22 to December 2023, Coal/Lignite PSUs have made commendable efforts towards energy efficiency, including the replacement of 4.24 lakh conventional lights with LED lights, 5357 energy-efficient air conditioners, 83236 super fans, deployment of 201 electric vehicles, 1583 efficient water heaters, 444 energy-efficient motors for pumps, 2712 auto-timers in street lights, and the installation of capacitor banks. These initiatives have led to notable accomplishments, yielding a total energy savings of 14.34 crore kWh and financial savings amounting to Rs 107.6 crore. Furthermore, these endeavors played a vital role in promoting environmental sustainability, culminating in a collective reduction of 1.17 lakh tonnes of CO2 equivalent in carbon emissions.

The Secretary (Coal) recently reviewed the Energy Efficiency Measures undertaken by Coal/Lignite PSUs on January 19, 2024, appreciating the remarkable work in the Coal Sector on this initiative. During the meeting, Secretary (Coal) suggested exploring the use of electric vehicles (EVs) in transportation and mining operations, undertaking building energy efficiency measures in all the buildings of Coal/Lignite PSUs in a phased manner, and incorporating liquefied natural gas (LNG) vehicles in mining operations.

These initiatives underscore the commitment of Coal/Lignite PSUs to reducing their carbon footprint, embracing innovative solutions, and enhancing energy efficiency across their operations while meeting the energy demands of the nation. The dedication aligns with the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration, where a voluntary commitment has been made to double the Rate of Energy Efficiency Improvement by 2030.

carbon footprint reductionCO2 emissionsCoal Sectorenergy conservationenergy efficiencyEnergy Efficiency Services Limitedenvironmental goalsfinancial savingsG20 Leaders' DeclarationLED lightssustainable initiatives