Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC) Unveils New Logo and Motto

New Delhi: The Indian Historical Records Commission (IHRC), the apex advisory body on archival matters, has revealed its new logo and motto following an online competition launched on the MyGov portal in 2023. The competition aimed to visually represent the unique identity and ethos of IHRC, which advises the Government of India on the management of records and their use for historical research.

Out of 436 entries received, the design submitted by Shaurya Pratap Singh from Delhi was selected for both the logo and motto of IHRC. The logo features pages shaped like lotus petals, symbolizing IHRC’s resilience in maintaining historical records, while the Sarnath pillar in the center represents India’s glorious past. The brown color theme reinforces the organization’s mission of preserving, studying, and honoring India’s historical records.

The motto, “Where history is preserved for the future,” underscores IHRC’s commitment to safeguarding historical documents and making them accessible for present and future generations. It reflects the Commission’s role in identifying, collecting, cataloging, and maintaining historical sources, ensuring valuable historical knowledge is conserved.

Indian Historical Records Commission