India Marks 30th World Ozone Day with Emphasis on Montreal Protocol and Climate Action

New Delhi: The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change celebrated the 30th World Ozone Day in New Delhi today with a focus on the theme “Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Actions.” The event highlighted the Montreal Protocol’s pivotal role in protecting the ozone layer and advancing global climate initiatives.

Leena Nandan, Union Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, presided over the event, emphasizing the crucial link between ozone layer protection and broader climate change efforts. She addressed the challenges posed by rising temperatures, which increase the use of cooling systems such as refrigerators and air conditioners, thereby exacerbating the temperature rise in a cyclical manner.

In her address, Nandan praised India’s leadership in implementing the Montreal Protocol, noting that the country has met its reduction targets for controlled substances ahead of schedule. This proactive approach has not only safeguarded the ozone layer but has also contributed significantly to global climate change mitigation efforts.

Nandan also highlighted several other key initiatives by the ministry. These include Mission LiFE (Lifestyle for Environment), which promotes sustainable living through mindful environmental choices, and the national initiative “Ek Ped Maa Ke Naam,” aimed at fostering a sustainable future through tree planting.

The event also featured the announcement of winners from the National Level Poster and Slogan Competitions, designed to raise awareness about ozone layer protection and climate-friendly practices. The competitions garnered an impressive response, with 4,187 poster entries and 1,299 slogan entries submitted through a dedicated web portal.

Additionally, several publications were released, including the 26th Edition of “Montreal Protocol: India’s Success Story,” an action plan for the implementation of the India Cooling Action Plan regarding transport air conditioning, and the third edition of “News TRAC,” a quarterly magazine for refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) technicians. Guidebooks on sustainable technologies for the cold chain sector, refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, and passive cooling strategies for sustainable buildings were also unveiled.

India, a Party to the Montreal Protocol since June 1992, has successfully phased out various ozone-depleting substances, including chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and halons. The country is currently on an accelerated schedule to phase out hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) as part of its ongoing commitment to the Protocol.

The event was attended by Neena Pahuja, Executive Member of NCVET, Rajashree Ray, Economic Advisor in MoEFCC, Valentin Foltescu from UNEP, Angela Lusigi from UNDP, Aditya Narayan Singh, Scientist in the ministry, and around 500 school children. The celebration underscored India’s continued dedication to protecting the ozone layer and advancing climate action through collaborative and innovative approaches.

World Ozone Day
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