India International Science Festival Extends Scientific Outreach to 21 Countries

India International Science Festival Extends Scientific Outreach to 21 Countries

New Delhi: The 9th edition of the India International Science Festival (IISF-2023) witnessed a remarkable convergence of global scientific minds as 21 countries actively participated in the science outreach festival. The event, held in New Delhi, showcased India’s scientific achievements while fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange.

The participating nations included the Argentine Republic, Republic of Armenia, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Cambodia, French Republic, Republic of Indonesia, Italian Republic, Japan, Republic of Kenya, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of Namibia, Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Rwanda, Republic of Singapore, Republic of South Africa, Kingdom of Thailand, United States of America (USA), Socialist Republic of Vietnam, and Republic of Zimbabwe.

The festival, which attracted 35 international delegates, featured engaging sessions with speakers and panelists from various fields. Many of the international participants forged long-term associations with India, marking a significant step towards fostering global scientific cooperation.

Institutions from the participating countries, such as the University of Tsukuba, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) – Cambodia, University of South Australia, and Bordeaux University, actively contributed to the diverse range of discussions and events.

The National Innovation Foundation (NIF) – India, an autonomous institution under the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India, played a pivotal role in facilitating collaborations on diverse aspects of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI). Notable international partnerships include those with the National Centre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Armenia, Australian National Fabrication Facility in Australia, Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia in Malaysia, and the University of Nairobi & Moi University in the Republic of Kenya.

The collaborations are poised to offer numerous opportunities, including access to global expertise and cutting-edge infrastructure, capacity building for innovators, technology exchange for wider dissemination, joint research initiatives, and industry engagement. These partnerships are expected to strengthen India’s Science, Technology, and Innovation relationships on a global scale.

The IISF-2023 not only celebrated India’s scientific advancements but also served as a platform for fostering international cooperation, paving the way for a brighter future in scientific research and innovation.

Argentine RepublicCommonwealth of AustraliaFrench RepublicIndia International Science FestivalInnovationItalian RepublicJapanKingdom of CambodiaKingdom of ThailandLao People's Democratic RepublicMalaysiaRepublic of ArmeniaRepublic of IndonesiaRepublic of KenyaRepublic of NamibiaRepublic of RwandaRepublic of SingaporeRepublic of South AfricaRepublic of the PhilippinesRepublic of the Union of MyanmarRepublic of Zimbabwe.ScienceSocialist Republic of VietnamTechnologyUnited States of America (USA)