India Hosts Inaugural ‘Blue Talks’ Meeting in Collaboration with France and Costa Rica

New Delhi: The Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) took a significant step towards fostering international collaboration on ocean-related issues by hosting the first ‘Blue Talks’ meeting in New Delhi. Co-partnered by the Embassy of France and the Embassy of Costa Rica in India, the meeting brought together over 50 participants from government, academia, and research institutes. The high-level deliberations focused on matters concerning ‘Ocean Health and Governance.’

The meeting, jointly co-chaired by Dr. M. Ravichandran, Secretary, MoES, Thierry Mathou, Ambassador of France to India, and Sofia Salas Monge, Chargée d’affaires of Costa Rica, marked a collaborative effort to address challenges related to ocean conservation and governance.

This gathering serves as a precursor to the upcoming High-Level Event on Ocean Action (HLEOA) titled ‘Immersed in Change,’ scheduled for June 7th-8th, 2024, in San Jose, Costa Rica. The broader objective of the ‘HLEOA’ is to gather recommendations and visions that will contribute to the forthcoming United Nations Ocean Conference (UNOC3).

The primary goals of the 1st Blue Talks meeting were to exchange good practices and successful experiences related to ocean governance and health, solicit recommendations and inputs from various stakeholders, both governmental and non-governmental, contribute to the preparation of UNOC3, and identify specific implementation actions to address concerns over the ocean’s health.

The two-hour meeting featured three sections. The first session included a presentation by the Costa Rican embassy, featuring a movie outlining the purpose of the upcoming ‘HLEOA’ event. The second session comprised three technical talks on different themes, followed by an open discussion on ocean matters. The concluding session summarized key recommendations and outlined the way forward for the future ocean event.

The meeting highlighted India’s commitment to the UNOC3 2025 and showcased the country’s pivotal role in ocean science and maritime development. India, aligning its programs and policies with global commitments, plays a crucial part in ensuring the sustainable harnessing of marine resources. Moreover, MoES, India, has been recognized as a lead partner for the upcoming Ocean Conference in Nice in 2025. India looks forward to close cooperation with France and Costa Rica in preparing for this important global event, demonstrating a collective commitment to safeguarding the health and governance of our oceans.

Blue TalksMinistry of Earth Sciences (MoES)