India-Australia CECA Negotiations Advance in 10th Round, Focus on Goods, Services, and Agri-Tech

Sydney, Australia: The 10th round of negotiations for the India-Australia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) was held from August 19-22, 2024, in Sydney, covering key areas such as Goods, Services, Digital Trade, Government Procurement, Rules of Origin, and Agri-tech. The talks marked a crucial step toward finalizing the agreement, with intense discussions aimed at narrowing differences and achieving convergence on outstanding provisions.

The Indian delegation, led by Chief Negotiator Rajesh Agrawal, Additional Secretary in the Department of Commerce, and the Australian delegation, headed by Ravi Kewalram, Chief Negotiator and First Assistant Secretary in DFAT, engaged in in-depth negotiations to address domestic sensitivities and reach a balanced outcome. Both sides emphasized the importance of continuing intersessional meetings and virtual negotiations before the next round, which is scheduled to take place in India.

A significant portion of the discussions centered on building upon the India-Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (ECTA), which entered into force in December 2022. The Chief Negotiators reviewed bilateral trade and investment relations, underscoring their commitment to strengthening the economic partnership between the two countries.

On the sidelines of the negotiations, Indian officials met with key Australian stakeholders, including AIBC National Chair Jodi McKay and Grain Trade Australia CEO Pat O’Shannasy, to explore deeper cooperation in agri-tech and economic investments. Australia also proposed the inaugural meeting of the India-Australia Agri Tech Forum (IAATF), scheduled for September 23, 2024, in New Delhi, focusing on technology transfer and knowledge sharing in agriculture.

The Indian delegation further explored Australia’s advancements in agri-tech through visits to the University of Sydney and Cicada Innovation Centre.

Both India and Australia, as strategic partners and members of the Indo-Pacific Economic Forum for Prosperity (IPEF) and the Trilateral Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI), continue to deepen their collaboration to strengthen regional supply chain resilience and economic ties.