IMD Issues Updated Seasonal Outlook for Hot Weather Season 2024 and Monthly Outlook for April

New Delhi: The India Meteorological Department (IMD) released its updated Seasonal outlook for the hot weather season (April to June) 2024 and the Monthly outlook for April 2024 for rainfall and temperature. The announcement was made at Mahika Hall, Prithvi Bhawan, New Delhi, during a press conference held in a hybrid mode.

During the forthcoming hot weather season (April to June), the IMD forecasts above-normal maximum temperatures over most parts of the country, particularly over central India and western peninsular India. Dr. Mritunjay Mohapatra, Director-General, IMD, highlighted that normal to below-normal maximum temperatures are expected over certain regions, including the western Himalayan region, NE states, and north Odisha.

Key highlights of the temperature scenario for April to June 2024 include:

Above-normal maximum temperatures are anticipated over most parts of the country, except for some areas in east and northeast India and pockets of northwest India.
Normal to above-normal minimum temperatures are likely over most parts of the country, with isolated areas in the northeast and northwest India expecting normal to below-normal minimum temperatures.
For the month of April 2024 specifically, above-normal maximum temperatures are predicted over most parts of India, while isolated pockets in the east, northeast, and northwest may experience normal to below-normal maximum temperatures. Similarly, above-normal monthly minimum temperatures are expected over most parts of India, except for isolated pockets in the northwest and northeast where normal to below-normal minimum temperatures are likely.

The IMD also provided insights into rainfall patterns, stating that rainfall during April 2024 is most likely to be normal (88-112% of LPA) across the country. While normal to above-normal rainfall is anticipated over many parts of northwest India and central India, below-normal rainfall is expected along the east and west coasts, as well as certain areas of east and northeast India and west central India.

Dr. Mritunjay Mohapatra emphasized that a transition from El Niño to ENSO-neutral conditions is expected by April-June 2024, with La Niña favored thereafter in June-August 2024.

Regarding the impact of heatwaves during April to June and April 2024, Dr. Mohapatra highlighted the significant risks posed by elevated temperatures, especially to vulnerable populations. He stressed the importance of proactive measures, including the provision of cooling centers, issuance of heat advisories, and implementation of strategies to mitigate urban heat island effects.

Furthermore, Kamal Kishore, Member and Head, NDMA, shared insights into the preparedness measures being undertaken, including the development of Heat Action Plans (HAPs) and awareness campaigns to mitigate the adverse effects of heatwaves. He also provided updates on the agriculture sector, indicating a positive outlook with increased area sown and estimated production for the current year.

India Meteorological Department (IMD)