ICAR and Dhanuka Agritech Limited Join Hands to Empower Farmers

New Delhi: The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and Dhanuka Agritech Limited have taken a significant step towards empowering farmers by signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The agreement aims to harness the collective expertise of both organizations to deliver cutting-edge agricultural technologies to farmers across the country.

The MoU was signed yesterday by Dr. U.S. Gautam, Deputy Director General (Agricultural Extension), ICAR, and Dr. R.G. Aggarwal, Chairman, Dhanuka Agritech Limited. The signing ceremony marked the beginning of a collaborative effort to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability in India.

Dr. Gautam emphasized that the primary objective of this agreement is to leverage the combined resources and expertise of ICAR and Dhanuka Agritech to benefit farmers. With over 14.5 crore farmers, many of whom have small land holdings, across the country, the focus will be on providing training related to agricultural production. Dhanuka Agritech will collaborate with central institutes, Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes (ATARIs), and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) to offer tailored training programs to smallholder farmers.

Addressing the pressing issue of climate change, Dr. Gautam highlighted the need for sustainable agricultural practices. He emphasized that the collaboration between ICAR and Dhanuka Agritech aims to promote climate-friendly agricultural methods. The focus will be on promoting natural farming techniques that are resilient to the challenges posed by a changing environment.

Dr. Aggarwal, representing Dhanuka Agritech Limited, reiterated the company’s commitment to providing advisory services and training to farmers in collaboration with ICAR-ATARI and KVKs. Through this partnership, Dhanuka Agritech aims to empower farmers with the knowledge and tools necessary to enhance their agricultural practices.

The signing ceremony was attended by Assistant Director General of ICAR, Directors, senior scientists, and senior officers of ICAR headquarters. Their presence underscored the significance of the collaboration and the shared commitment to agricultural development and sustainability.

The MoU between ICAR and Dhanuka Agritech Limited marks a significant milestone in the journey towards empowering farmers and promoting sustainable agriculture in India. As both organizations work together to deliver innovative solutions and build capacity among farmers, the agricultural sector is poised for growth and resilience in the face of evolving challenges. Through collaborative efforts and strategic partnerships, ICAR and Dhanuka Agritech are set to make a meaningful impact on the lives of farmers and the future of Indian agriculture.