High-Level Committee on One Nation One Election Initiates Public Consultation

High-Level Committee on One Nation One Election Initiates Public Consultation

New Delhi: The High-Level Committee (HLC) on One Nation One Election, led by Shri Ram Nath Kovind, former President of India, has kickstarted a comprehensive consultation process. This initiative aims to gather suggestions and informed perspectives from a diverse array of stakeholders, including citizens, political parties, eminent jurists such as former Chief Justices of the Supreme Court and High Courts, constitutional experts, and former Chief Election Commissioners (CECs).

As part of this ongoing consultation, the Chairman of the HLC, on January 17, engaged in discussions with Justice Munishwar Nath Bhandari, former Chief Justice of the Madras High Court in New Delhi. Continuing these deliberations, the Chairman met Justice Gorla Rohini, former Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, and Shri Sushil Chandra, former Chief Election Commissioner of India, in a session held this afternoon.

The consultation process is set to extend over the coming days, providing ample opportunity for various stakeholders to contribute their insights and recommendations. The HLC is committed to ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive consultation that encompasses a wide spectrum of perspectives on the prospect of implementing the One Nation One Election concept.

The initiative reflects the HLC’s dedication to fostering a democratic dialogue and seeking diverse opinions to inform their recommendations. The outcome of this consultation is anticipated to play a crucial role in shaping the future discourse on the feasibility and implications of synchronizing elections across the nation. As the process unfolds, citizens and stakeholders are encouraged to actively participate and contribute to this significant deliberation on electoral reforms in India.

Chief Election Commissioners (CECs)Constitutional ExpertsDeliberationsHigh-Level Committee (HLC)JuristsOne Nation One ElectionPolitical PartiesPublic ConsultationRam Nath KovindSuggestions