Govt Introduces Accessibility Standards for Feature Films in Cinema Theatres

New Delhi: In a significant move towards promoting inclusivity and accessibility, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) has issued Guidelines of Accessibility Standards in the Public Exhibition of Feature Films in Cinema Theatres for Persons with Hearing and Visual Impairment. These guidelines aim to ensure that every individual, including Divyangjan (persons with disabilities), has equal access to cinematic experiences.

The Information and Broadcasting has recognized the need for accessibility standards in cinemas, allowing persons with disabilities to partake in the cinematic journey, thus fostering their inclusion in mainstream society.

Crafted following extensive consultations with disability rights groups, cinema exhibitors, and other stakeholders, these guidelines represent a significant step towards creating a more inclusive film ecosystem. They aim to provide an enabling framework to support the accessibility of feature films for persons with hearing and visual impairments.

Key features of the Accessibility Standards include:

Ensuring Accessibility: Feature films screened for commercial purposes in cinema halls/movie theatres must adhere to accessibility standards for persons with hearing and visual impairments.

Mandatory Accessibility Features: Films must incorporate at least one accessibility feature each for the hearing impaired (Closed Captioning) and visually impaired (Audio Description).

Additional Accessibility Features: Indian Sign Language interpretation by interpreters in a picture-in-picture mode must be provided, along with synchronized and accurate subtitles.

Implementation Schedule: Films to comply with the guidelines within 6 months for those certified in multiple languages, and within 2 years for all others.

Deployment Methods: Cinema theatres can deploy accessibility features through separate equipment, mobile apps, or other technologies, ensuring accessibility during regular screenings.

Exhibitor Action Plans: Theatre owners will develop self-regulatory plans for accessibility within 2 years, following consultations with disability stakeholders.

Monitoring Committee: A dedicated committee appointed by the MIB will oversee the implementation of accessibility standards, with half its members being persons with hearing/visual disabilities.

Grievance Redressal: Viewers can file complaints if accessible features are unavailable, which will be addressed within 30 days through the licensing authority.

This initiative not only promotes inclusivity but also aligns with the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act), which mandates government action to promote universal access and inclusion in information and communication, including access to films. By introducing these guidelines, the government aims to create a more accessible and inclusive cinematic experience for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

Cinema Theatres